Prospective sponsors are welcome to complete the interest form for more information. Sponsorships are offered in accordance with the conference’s Sponsorship Policy and Strategic Vision.


The 2024 Open Education Conference marks this longstanding event’s return to an in-person format for the first time since 2019, while continuing to engage a large online audience as a hybrid event. Sponsor benefits include many opportunities to support this important convening while gaining logo visibility, opportunities to connect with attendees during the event.


2024 Sponsor Levels and Benefits

Benefit Description






Sponsor passes to the conference venue.

In-person: 2

Virtual: 40

In-person: 2

Virtual: 20

In-person: 1

Virtual: 8

In-person: 1

Virtual: 4

In-person: 0

Virtual: 2

Visibility of sponsor’s logo on conference website and emails sent to all attendees.  

Homepage, sponsor page, 5 emails

Homepage, sponsor page, 3 emails

Homepage, sponsor page, 2 emails

Sponsor page, 2 emails

Sponsor page, 2 emails

Sponsor profile on the virtual conference platform.






Choice of an in-person display table or opportunity to display a pop-up banner in the main hall. Advertising is not permitted.




Sponsored coffee break or meal. Sponsor will be acknowledged in the online program and logo will be displayed at the main food or coffee stand.



Coffee break

Coffee break

Social media posts from the official conference account mentioning the sponsor account. Sponsor may specify X, Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Mastodon.

5 posts, including 2 solely featuring sponsor

5 posts, including 2 solely featuring sponsor

4 posts, including 1 solely featuring sponsor

4 posts, including 1 solely featuring sponsor

4 posts

Recognition during opening and closing plenary sessions.

Verbal recognition and slide solely with sponsor’s logo

Verbal recognition and slide with all create sponsor logos

Slide with all adapt and adopt sponsor logos  

Slide with all adapt and adopt sponsor logos  

Slide with all sponsor logos

Inclusion of sponsor’s logo in the rotating slides shown during meals at the in-person venue.

Slide solely with sponsor’s logo

Slide with all create sponsor logos

Slide with all adapt and adopt sponsor logos  

Slide with all adapt and adopt sponsor logos  

Slide with all sponsor logos

Option to have a dedicated channel in the conference Discord in a section marked as sponsored.



Note that all benefits are contingent upon sponsor’s provision of any necessary files or information in a timely manner. Sponsors will be prioritized for placement and benefit selection first by sponsorship level, then by prior year level, then by date of payment.

Sponsors may request that the value of any employee registrations paid prior to the execution of a sponsor agreement be deducted from the final invoice.