1. Each sponsorship, regardless of type, is subject to a review and approval process overseen by the Open Education Conference Board of Directors.
  2. The Open Education Conference accepts sponsorships from the following organizations:
    1. Charitable foundations;
    2. Any entity issued an invitation to become a sponsor by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors; and
    3. Any entity that submits a sponsorship application demonstrating that its mission and practices align with the Open Education Conference’s Strategic Vision, as determined by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Open Education Conference does not accept sponsors with missions and practices that conflict with the Open Education Conference’s Strategic Vision. 
  4. The Open Education Conference does not accept anonymous sponsorships. All sponsors are listed publicly.
  5. All sponsorships are handled separately from event planning and/or program content creation.
  6. Sponsors will have no control over event, program, or content decisions or sponsorship policies.
    1. Sponsors are not entitled to advance knowledge of speakers, panel topics, or specific program content beyond general program themes.
    2. Any sponsored sessions at the Open Education Conference are clearly marked as such, and are scheduled during breaks in official programming.
    3. Sponsors have no control over the placement, wording and/or timing of sponsor recognition statements except as described in a sponsorship agreement.
  7. The Open Education Conference does not share personally identifiable information about attendees as part of sponsorship agreements.
    1. Any sponsor benefit that involves emailing or otherwise contacting attendees will be implemented by the Conference.
    2. Under no circumstances will sponsors receive contact information for attendees as a benefit.  
  8. The Open Education Conference does not endorse any products or services of sponsors. Sponsors may not use the Open Education Conference name, logos or other signifiers to imply endorsement.
  9. The Open Education Conference reserves the right to prior review and approval for any sponsor materials, regardless of medium, that incorporate the Open Education Conference name, logos or other signifiers.
  10. Sponsors and sponsor representatives are subject to the Open Education Conference Code of Conduct.
  11. The Open Education Conference Board of Directors reserves the right to cancel and return any sponsorship at any time for any reason.
  12. The terms and conditions of each sponsorship must be set forth in a written agreement executed by an authorized representative from the Open Education Conference’s fiscal sponsor and by an authorized representative of the sponsoring organization.

Last updated 8/20/2022