Day 3 Reaction Blog

Written by Rachel Becker, a member of the #OpenEd20 Communications Committee

Open Educational Resources make up a portion of what I do in my role as a community college librarian. It’s a role I view as integral to student success and one that is continually evolving. Like so many attendees, I’m joining OpenEd for the very first time.  My excitement grew with each planning meeting I attended as I worked alongside my fellow conference organizers to develop this one-of-a-kind event. Throughout the week, as I’ve navigated Discord, Twitter, Sched, Zoom, and more, one word has echoed through my head: welcoming. Meeting so many new people at conferences can be overwhelming for me. Many seem to know each other so well and I feel intimidated as someone still learning the OER ropes. 

Coming together virtually has allowed me to connect with people from around the world who I wouldn’t have met otherwise. 

During the opening plenary, participants could enter breakout rooms to meet new voices or choose to network in other ways. This style has continued in session chats where all participants can ask questions. Discord is the place to find informal connections at the #coffeestand, #hall-way, or participate in #the-great-cheeto-debate. If you are like me and are trying to juggle attending all the fantastic sessions along with everyday life, you can check out the Lightning Talks. Available anytime, these sessions have presented a wealth of valuable information on a variety of topics. I have gained so many implementable ideas from these I’ve lost count! 

Attending the Tea Time Trivia decompression activity on Tuesday provided me with additional ideas for student engagement in addition to having a blast getting a record number of questions wrong. 

#OpenEd20 has allowed me to broaden my network to include voices I wouldn’t have found otherwise. 

From learning about OER and open pedagogy in native Hawaii to ensuring accessibility in OER creation, the content presented is rich and engaging. Although an entirely virtual conference is not what a traditional experience looks like it has fit perfectly with my schedule, personality, and budget.


Day 4 Reaction Blog


Day 2 Reaction Blog