2024 Board of Directors Election
The Open Education Conference has launched a community election process to select six new members for the Board of Directors, who will serve two-year terms starting in January 2025.
VOTIng closed
Tuesday, November 12th to Thursday, November 21st
Anyone who has attended the Open Education Conference within the last two years or otherwise identifies as a member of the Open Education Conference community is eligible to vote in the election.
The voting period has now closed.
FAQ: Election Process
How do I vote?
Personalized voting invitations will be sent to all known eligible voters when the voting period opens on Tuesday, November 12th. To locate this email, look for an email from electionrunner.com. This will include everyone who completes the voter registration form and all registered attendees from the last two years of the conference (OpenEd23 and OpenEd24).
If you did not receive a personalized voting invitation and identify as a member of the Open Education Conference community, you can register to vote. You will receive your personalized voting details within 24 business hours. Voter registration closed on November 19th at 11:59pm PST (48 hours prior to the voting period close).
Who is eligible to vote?
Anyone who has attended the Open Education Conference within the last two years or otherwise identifies as a member of the Open Education Conference community is eligible to vote in the election.
How does voting work?
Voting is conducted using the online election software Election Runner. Unique voter information is sent by email to each registered voter, including a one-click link to access your private ballot. Voters may vote for up to 6 candidates. Results are tallied automatically at the conclusion of the voting deadline.
All voters are encouraged to review the Open Education Conference's Strategic Vision before casting their vote.
Who can I vote for?
Candidate profiles will be made available on this page once the nomination period closes. Voters may vote for anywhere from zero (0) to six (6) candidates.
Will my vote be confidential?
Yes, all votes are confidential. The online election software Election Runner keeps who you vote for private from election organizers and candidates. While organizers can tell which voters have cast ballots, they cannot tell which candidates a voter selected. Only the final, cumulative results of the election will be shared.
When will the election results be published?
The six winning candidates will be announced on or before Friday, November 22nd. Candidates will be notified of the outcome of the election in advance of the announcement.
Are there formal rules governing the election process?
Yes. The conference has adopted bylaws for the formation of the Board of Directors, including rules for the election.
Any questions not addressed in this FAQ can be directed to contact@openeducationconference.org
HOW TO BE a Candidate
NOMINATIONS CLOSED: Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
The Open Education Conference invites all community members who are interested in serving on the Board of Directors to complete the self-nomination form.
The self-nomination process for the 2024 election is now closed.
The election will select six community members to serve on the Board of Directors for a two-year term from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2026. Full responsibilities and criteria are outlined in the Board Responsibilities & Requirements. In general, candidates must:
Have attended the Open Education Conference at least once
Identify with the Open Education Conference community and work toward its Strategic Vision
Be able to fulfill the Board Responsibilities & Requirements, including the 6-10 hour monthly time commitment for the two-year term
If you experience technical difficulties with the nomination form or did not receive a confirmation email, please contact us at contact@openeducationconference.org.
FAQ: Candidates
Who is eligible to be a candidate in the election?
In general, all members of the conference community is eligible to run. The specific criteria include:
Have attended the Open Education Conference at least once.
Identify with the Open Education Conference community and work toward its Strategic Vision.
Are able to fulfill the Board Responsibilities & Requirements, including the 6-10 hour monthly time commitment.
How do I become a candidate?
If you would like to put your name forward, please fill out the nomination form by Sunday, November 3rd at 11:59pm PST. Candidates will be notified by email whether they are advanced to the ballot.
How will candidates be selected for the ballot?
Should the nominations process receive more candidates than space on the ballot, the Board of Directors will appoint a nominations committee to review the self-nomination information and select a subset of candidates to appear on the ballot. Selections will be made based on the information submitted by each candidate and the values laid out in the conference’s Strategic Vision.
Any questions not addressed in this FAQ can be directed to contact@openeducationconference.org