2024 Program Released

We're thrilled to announce the program for the 2024 Open Education Conference! Scheduled from October 8-10, OpenEd24 will be held as a hybrid event in Providence, RI and online. This year's theme, "It's About Time," highlights the dynamic evolution of open education and how the current moment is ripe for innovation and transformative action. Register now to ensure you don’t miss this exiting event!

This year, the conference is packed with diverse sessions that promise to ignite discussions, inspire connections, and deepen our understanding of open education's practice. Whether joining in-person from Providence or tuning in online, attendees can look forward to a variety of engaging sessions including presentations, discussions, and engaging keynote speeches designed to cater to a broad audience, from long-time participants to newcomers to the field.


  • Tuesday, October 8: James Glapa-Grossklag & Joy Shoemate

  • Wednesday, October 9: Richard Baraniuk

  • Thursday, October 10: Student Keynote Panel

More Highlights

  • 130+ presentations and panels, with 100+ accessible virtually

  • 50+ posters and lightning talks that can be viewed anytime

  • Breakout discussion sessions to connect with others

  • Social events for networking (in person and online)


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Registration is Open!