Registration is Open!

The 2024 Open Education Conference, themed “It’s About Time,” is set to take place on October 8-10, 2024 as a hybrid event. This year marks the 21st annual gathering of the conference, and for the first time since 2019, attendees will have the option to participate in person in Providence, RI, USA. Virtual attendance will be available to participants worldwide, ensuring an engaging experience for all.

Earlybird rates are in effect for a limited time. Register now to secure the lowest rates. Note that in-person capacity and hotel rooms will be limited, so register as soon as possible.

Virtual Attendance Registration

In-Person Attendance Registration

  • US $450 Earlybird Rate (increases to $600 USD after August 23)

  • US $150 Full-Time Student Rate (increases to $200 USD after August 23)

Travel & Accommodations


2024 Program Released


The #OpenEd24 Theme is “It’s About Time”