Get to know the 2021 Open Education Conference Planning Committee Members
Written by Emily Carlisle-Johnson, a member of the #OpenEd21 Communications Committee
Planning a conference takes a village, and the 2021 Open Education Conference is no exception.
Following a Call for Participation issued in March 2021, we’re excited to introduce the members of some of the committees behind this year’s conference, including the Program Committee, the DEI Committee, the Communications Committee, and the Strategic Planning Committee. These members bring a range of voices, contexts, and perspectives to the planning process.
Planning efforts are underway thanks to the community members serving on these committees. There are also more than 100 community members confirmed to serve as proposal reviewers, and many more who have attended one of the conference’s open planning meetings held on the second Friday of each month by the Steering Committee. Community input is what makes OpenEd the special event that it is, and we are excited about what is in store this October 18-22.
The full list of members for each committee, and a brief description of the scope of each committee’s work, can be viewed on the Planning Committees webpage.
Alt-Text: Cartoon graphic of seven people smiling and standing next to each other.