Tips and Resources for Great #OpenEd20 Proposals

The call for proposals for the 2020 Open Education Conference is open and ideas are starting to roll in! This year’s virtual conference offers multiple session types, from multi-format asynchronous options to live panels and workshops. With the theme “Reimagining Open Education,” it’s time to get creative about what attendees might learn from you.

Proposal Resources

To assist presenters with developing great proposals, check out these key resources, and read on for tips and suggestions!  Remember, the deadline to submit session proposals is September 1st at 11:59pm HST and the conference will be held virtually on November 9-13th.

Overview of the Submission Process


Five Tips for #OpenEd20 Proposals

  1. Read the call for proposals and proposal form in full before starting. These documents contain important information that will help you craft a successful proposal. If you have questions, check out our FAQ.

  2. Choose a topic and title you would find exciting to hear and learn more about. Review the topics listed in the call for proposals for inspiration. Consider collaborating with co-authors who add different perspectives or areas of expertise.

  3. Craft succinct, compelling learning outcomes or key takeaways that tell attendees what they will learn or gain from attending your session. Strong learning outcomes are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.

  4. Focus on what is unique about your proposal or what sets it apart from others. Pay close attention to the selection criteria outlined in the call for proposals, since this is what reviewers will use to evaluate your session. Make their job easy!

  5. Before submitting your proposal in Cvent, be sure to proofread for spelling and grammatical issues. If you don’t have English spell check on your computer, consider using a free online tool like this one.

Amy Tan, Kelly Gillerlain, Sarah Hammershaimb, Winni Zhang, and other members of the Program Team contributed to this post.


Registration for #OpenEd20 is Open!


2020 Call for Proposals is Open!